Run to the Beat
Greenwich Park, London
Combining running and live music, Run to the Beat, the original London music half marathon, has grown considerably since its debut in 2008. |
Runners who were inspired by live DJs and bands
at 19 music stations throughout the 13.1-mile course returned to the park
to a festival atmosphere.
Run to the Beatは2008年にロンドンでスタートしたハーフマラソンで、
This year,19,000 runners set off from the event’s new home in Greenwich Park, with a desire to realize their potential
and reach new goals by setting PBs as they crossed the finish line.
レース中はロンドンのミュージックステーション19局と、トップDJ(Kate Lawler、Trevor
Fung、Nihal、Goldierocks)4人がオンエアでランナーを支援し、レース終了後はグリニッチパークでJessie J(シンガーソングライター)のコンサートも開催された。
International recording artist Jessie J welcomed
19,000 runners as they completed Run to the Beat powered by Nike+, London’s unique music half marathon in Greenwich Park.
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